Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Curriculum Mapping

I am already thinking about next year! Call me crazy, but I think with all the demands of the new curriculum I need to work smarter and cut out the clutter! So here is what I am currently thinking next year's integrated units will look like. Next year Australian teachers will have to report on Math, English, Science, History and the new subject will be Geography. I will link Geography with Habitats and Weather. Each Term is 10 weeks, so I have planned for 9 weeks to allow for any interruptions. How do you plan for the upcoming year? Do you do the same thing every year or do you change it up a lot?

All about Me (2 weeks)
Science - Colours (2 weeks)
Science - Oceans (4 weeks)
History - My Family (4 weeks)
Science - Australian Animals (3 weeks)
Science - Healthy Bodies (3  weeks)
History - Life Long Ago (3 weeks)
Fairy Tales (3 weeks)
Science – Life Cycles (3 weeks)
Science/Geography -Weather (3 weeks)
History - Transport (3 weeks)
Science - Habitats (3 weeks)
Author Study (children vote)  (2 weeks)
Christmas (final 2 weeks)


  1. Hey what state are you from? We only have to implement the new Australian English next year in NSW. I have been on kinder for e past 10 years so I keep some things the same but always change some things each year so I stay fresh. Enjoy the rest of the holidays.
    Julie :-)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage

  2. I am NSW as well and we have decided to do English and maths next year. But as we are revamping our scope and sequences, we are also putting in new themes related to the new science and history too.

  3. I am in Tasmania :) This is the second year have reported on Math, Science and English and the first year of doing History.

  4. Hi Liz,
    We are keeping our planning similar from year to year as we are introducing the new curriculum - I guess once it's mostly in place we'll go back and do a big re-vamp! Some of the new stuff is so demanding for my kidlets, it's tricky to teach everything in a way that allows for lots of discovery and play, but still covers all that we need to. We're reporting on English, Maths, Science and History already and looking towards Geography next year.
    Lauren :)
    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

  5. I am from Victoria and we report on the all the new Australian Curriculum areas. Our Department has put them in our current format for us so that all our Domains look the same called AusVELS (VELS being Vic Essential Learning Standards). I am in the process of leading our staff through these changes.
    Paula from Paula’s Place and iSURF Maths

    1. Sounds like a really good transition plan, Paula! In Tasmania we have been through 3 different curriculum/assessment formats since I started teaching 9 years ago, so everyone is feeling lost. In my opinion, the AC is the best one though, and it feels more likely to stay since it's a federal one, not a state one.

  6. Hey Liz - so happy to have found your blog! I am in Queensland and we are in the same boat - we started implementing English, Maths, Science last year and have started History this year. We have the C2C units which are what we are supposed to be reporting from...I would love to do integrated themes next year and will be trying really hard to get my team on board!

    Lifelong Learners in Prep

    1. Welcome Casey! Our principal is urging us to integrate as much as possible - there is no way we can find the time to teach them all separately! Plus, when children make connections between ideas they will learn more! We need to work smarter, not harder :)
