Monday, 15 October 2012

Term 3 is underway - and the rush is on!

Well, this term is flying by! Only 9 more weeks of school left - assessments and reports are creeping up, not to mention organising end of year activities, Christmas, stationary orders for next year. Oh yeah, and my son just got chickenpox! Eek! So a week at home whilst he recovers! (Yes, he is vaccinated but he still caught it!)

Yes, I am starting to feel a little frantic. BUT, on the positive side, everything is going well in the class. Daily 5 is loved by all the kids. I am about to start Guided Math (thought I would have a trial run before starting it fully next year) AND the kids are LOVING the Science Dictionary! We've done Astronomy, Bubbles and Chromotography (Colour) so far.

So to make up for my slack blogging, here are a few photos ... Enjoy! x

 Chromotography is so easy! Strips of paper towel, draw a line with texta (we used the secondary colours so I could explain that concept at the same time - so purple separated into red and blue, etc)  and then dip the paper towel in water. Kids loved this task!
 Odds and Evens Houses

 An easy number matching job for my ESL student.
 Reading Strategies for Daily 5. A work in progress! Didn't want to use the CAFE language because we are working towards a whole school approach, which is currently Fountas and Pinnell based.
 Science Dictionary.
 Daily 5 - 3 ways to read a book
 Working on Stamina (yes they can read longer than this but I was very strict - as soon as the Barometer child got distracted I stopped the timer)
When a child reads aloud to the class or to me they get a sticker on their Read Aloud Rainbow. Helps be to listen to them regularly (because they nag me for their stickers LOL).

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