Tuesday, 11 June 2013

My first Linky!

I am linking up with Castles and Crayons to talk about my morning work!

After reading her post, I realised that my routine is quite different, yet typical for Australian classrooms.

The first bell goes at 8.30am and this is when students and parents can come in and get settled. They play with their friends, show their parents around the classroom, and organise lunch orders. They bring in their Home Readers ready for swapping. At 8.55 the music plays over the PA system announcing pack up time. The bell goes at 9am and children quickly settle on the mat.

First up is attendance. In my class we do this in sign language (Auslan) with the help of our Auslan interpreter for one of my students. Then I check for lunch orders and two children will take lunch orders and the attendance sheet up to the office. Next I go through the day's schedule (I have visual prompts) and talk about what day, date, seasons, etc. Sometimes I have a sentence on a pocket chart that we read together and sometimes we sing a song. Then we do Show and Tell, where 4 children each day bring a book to share with the class. Some teachers allow anything to be brought in, but I don't feel comfortable with the random bringing in of toys (which could get lost!) and I want to link all learning time with the curriculum. It's also a better way for me to get to know about what the children are interested in. I often guide units of work around a book that children have really enjoyed! For example, one child bought a book about sharks in and the whole class loved it so we studied sharks for science. Twice I have had children bring Snugglepot and Cuddlepie by May Gibbs in, so for history we will look at May Gibbs.

By about 9.15 the children are beginning to get a bit wriggly so it's time to get them started on Guided Reading, which lasts until 10am, when we stop for a quick reflection, fruit/water break and a story. Then we do Spelling work until 10.50am recess time.

So morning work for my class is based around oral language, social skills and settling in and preparing for the day.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Splat the Cat

My first post from my galaxy tab!
Last week we read the wonderful Splat books. The class loved them!
We made a craft and wrote procedural texts. Take a look!

Thursday, 6 June 2013

What a busy week!

Well, what a busy week! Reading Groups and Spelling Groups are working well and children are much more settled and on task now that they understand the routines. I will get some photos ready soon.

For Numeracy, I have been working on subtraction. Lots of my littlies just aren't ready yet though. They are able to do it with the concrete aides or number lines but they need lots of support and practice. That's okay though - at least I  know where I need to start and how I need to help them!

Today we had a lovely parent come and talk to the class about his job - a veterinary pathologist. It was a fantastic way to end out unit of work on Pets. He even bought in a sheep stomach for the kids to look at! Nice and gross :)